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Your Personal Feng Shui Element

Your Luck for 2015, The Year of Yi-Wei  (乙未)

Li-Chun (立春) on 4 February 2015, marked the beginning of the new year 2015, the year of Yi-Wei (乙未).

Over the next few days, let’s discuss the prosperity outlook in 2015 for individuals based on your Ming-Gua (命卦), ie. your base element through flying star system, computed from the year of birth of individuals.

Let’s start with the Computation of your Ming-Gua (命卦) :

For Male

  • Take the last two digits of your year of birth, add the numbers up till you arrive at a single digit number.
  • Use 10 to subtract the single digit number derived from the above step.
  • The final number after the addition and subtraction is your Ming-Gua (命卦), or your base element number.
  • eg, Male born in 1974, 7+4=11 => 1+1=2, Use 10 to subtract away 2 = 8. A Male born in 1974 is a Ming-Gua (命卦) 8 person.

For Female

  • Take the last two digits of your year of birth, add the numbers up till you arrive at a single digit number.
  • Add another 5 to the answer derived above. If the answer is bigger than 9, add the two digits in the answer and derive at a single digit answer again.
  • This final answer after additions is  is your Ming-Gua (命卦), or your base element number.
  • eg. Female born in 1975, 7+5=12 => 1+2=3, Add 5 to the answer 3 = 8. A female born in 1975 is a Ming-Gua (命卦) 8 person.

Do you know your Ming-Gua (命卦) now?

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