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3 Vital Bedroom Feng Shui Tips That You Must Know


Home is where you live and spend a large part of your time. It befits that you should spare much thought as to the relevant and elegant decoration of the different rooms of your home. Feng Shui ordains proper channeling of energy, and qi requires proper conduits to travel. Thus, your home should be neat, arranged and uncluttered. When you make sure there is enough maneuverable space, energy passes on smoothly and touches your lives.

Your bedroom is where you will likely spend at least a third of your day in, hence it is vital to understand some dos and don’ts when you are setting up and decorating your bedroom.


Sleeping Under Beam

Avoid having beams above your bed or at the location where you often utilize. Many people have experienced difficulties in sleeping under beams or even pains in the body parts which are located directly under the beam. It is not a superstitious belief, but it is very logical and natural when you understand the way that wind and qi flows.

Wind and qi (or energy) usually flows in a straight line manner, but when it counters a wall, it will reflect or bounce. When you have a beam, it acts like a barrier that the wind and qi bounces off, and the wind and qi will change its course of movement downwards. When one sleeps beneath a beam, there is a consistent direct flow of wind and invisible qi at particular points of one’s body, for example, the beam is above one’s heart area, one will tend to feel suffocated or something weighing done on one’s chest.

Avoid placing you bed underneath any beams. If you cannot avoid the beam, then perhaps you can make a false ceiling across the entire room to create a flat ceiling, hence, allowing wind and qi to flow naturally and not cause undue stresses to your body.

To add a word of caution, be careful when using partial false ceilings or light boxes to hold your lights. Many people have unintentionally created a “beam effect” when they use partial false ceiling or light boxes as part of their decorations.


Sleeping with Your Head Against the Windows

You probably have heard many people and even some Feng Shui practitioners advised against sleeping with your head against the window. Is this a belief, a superstition, a myth or a logical advice?

Like sleeping underneath the beam, there is a logical explanation to why the older generation of people often advises against sleeping with your head against the windows. The saying is only half true. Why do we say it is half true? Well, its relevance depends on two main factors. In other words, whether one can sleep with one’s head against the windows depends on two main factors.

The first factor is the weather condition. In colder countries, sleeping with your head against the window may be too cold and bring on wind chill to your head. In tropical climate, sleeping with one’s head against the windows is unlikely to bring cold wind directly to the head,

The second factor will be determined by the energies at the windows. We define and describe different energetic components in terms of flying stars. When we have auspicious flying stars located at the windows, it is in fact favorable for one to sleep against the windows to be nourished by the auspicious flying star, and constantly be charged by positive energies there. On the contrary, if the flying stars at the windows are inauspicious, one must avoid sleeping against the windows to avoid the negative energies there.


Sleeping with Your Legs Facing Towards the Bedroom Door

Similar to the saying of not sleeping with your head against the windows, many people are also fearful of sleeping with their feet pointing directly towards the bedroom door. Is this true with logical explanation? Or is it another belief, myth or superstition?

Let us take a look from the energetic perspective, which is also the Feng Shui perspective. Any openings into an enclosed room, be it a window or a door, is considered as a entry point for qi flow. In mandarin, we call it “qi-kou” “气口”.

The entrances for the energy flow are important areas as the nature of energy flows from outside the room into the room is shaped by the entrance. Where qi-kuo has positive energies, calculated as auspicious flying stars, the energies that enter the room through that qi-kuo will be positive and bring positive influences for the occupants. A qi-kou with negative energies, denoted by inauspicious flying stars, will bring in negative energies and impacts the occupants negatively.

The same two factors to decide if one should sleep head against windows applies to decide if one can sleep with one’s feet towards the room door. The first factor is the potential wind chill factor and the second factor would be if the door has auspicious flying stars or not.


Hope the above 3 vital Bedroom Feng Shui Tips provide some logical explanation for your discerning mind. May it also open up more possibilities for you when you are setting up your bedroom, a place where you receive your physical and energetic rejuvenation every night.

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